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Representative Payee
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Vocational Rehabilitation
Annual Report

Program Definition
When people who receive Social Security and SSI benefits and have problems managing their money a representative payee is appointed by the Social Security department to help.  This way bills are paid including rent and utilities and some money is saved back for necessities such as food, clothing and some amenities.  Because we are appointed by the government it is our job to make sure essential bills are paid first.
Some of the services you can expect are:
•    A budget is made with you and the representative payee
•    Your check is direct deposited into your account.
•    Only the representative payee can write checks from your account
•    If there is any money left after the important bills are paid you may get a weekly allowance to spend.   

Entrance Criteria and Qualifications:  You must be referred by Social Security .

Getting Started:  Once you are accepted into the program your representative payee will meet you at the bank and set up an account for you

Hours of Service: .  There are set days and times when you can visit the representative payee to get your money.