One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don’t come home at night. Margaret Meed
The mission of the Personal Care program is to provide people who have barriers to living independently with the support they need to have the fullest most independent life possible
Program definition: A program designed to allow people with disabilities and seniors to live independently with some assistance. We review your needs and try to give you the very best in services taking your unique situation and choices into consideration. From this discussion we develop an individualized program plan to manage your daily needs. We match you with the caregiver we think matches your needs the best and ask you to help interview them when we bring them to your home. If at any time this match doesn’t work we will work with you to find a caregiver that you will like, trust, and will be a good match for your needs.
Some of the services you can expect are:
* Hygiene Assistance * Meal preparation/Diet monitoring * Light housekeeping Medication management * Errands and Shopping * Mornings, mid-day, evenings * Temporary or Long term * Weekends, holidays * Respite for family caregivers
Entrance Criteria and Qualifications: • Qualify through Developmental Disabilties or Home and Community services, • Funding through Developmental Disabilities • We do private pay clients if you do not qualify through a program
Getting Started: Contact your case worker through Developmental Disabilites or Senior Information and Referral, or call 360-374-9340 for more information.
Hours of Service: Office hours 9:00 to 5:00 Service depends on hours and client preference