Program Definition: Early intervention provides services for infants and toddlers, birth to three, who have disabilities and/or developmental delays. Eligible infants and toddlers and their families in Washington State are entitled to individualized, quality early intervention services in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C.
Research on early development shows that "windows for learning begins at birth." The clear link between early brain activity and brain development provides the building blocks for life-long learning and function - including entering school ready to learn and families learning of local resources for current and future needs. When there is a diagnosis of a disability or developmental concern at birth, or soon thereafter, early intervention results in greater developmental gains for a child.
“The brain at birth in the human being is unfinished. The human brain matures in the world rather than in the womb which makes it essential to provide infants and young children good early experiences. At birth the brain has 100 billion nerve cells, or neurons that will grow and connect with other neurons to make a system that controls seeing, hearing, moving and expressing emotion. These systems are activated and affected by early experiences, and provide the foundation for the brains organization and functioning throughout life. Of course lack of repeated positive experiences results in the lack in development of, and or, the disappearance of, these important connections.”
Entrance Criteria and Qualifications: • Developmental Delay • Qualify for Developmental Disabilities serices • Funding through Developmental Disabilities
Hours of Service: 9:00 – 5:00 we will schedule appointments at your convenience.
Getting Started: If you have a concern about your child’s development or you have heard from your Doctor or hospital that you should have your child assessed, you can talk to one of our Family Resources Coordinators. Family Resources are located all over Clallam and Jefferson County who are knowlegable about Child Development. They will come to your home or meet you somewhere to assess your child for developmental milestones and hearing problems. They will also be happy to talk to you on the phone and put your fears at ease. Phone numbers to call are:
• Family Health Hotline at 1-800-322-2588 • Concerned Citizens Toll Free 1-888-493-8198 • June Port Angeles FRC • Britni Forks FRC 360-374-9340 • Teri Jefferson FRC 360-379-1315