Our Adult Family Home is home to six people who experience disabilities. Each have their own bedroom and individualized daily schedule. This home atmosphere creates a family environment for residents.
A day in the Adult Family Home means breakfast served throughout the morning depending on individual preference for time and sometimes menu. Some residents like to sleep later than others and some are up at the crack of dawn. Showers and baths are also determined by choice so that some are in the morning and some prefer the evening.
Residents have busy schedules, going out for job development activities, community activities, or to help with shopping for the home. Going outside for walks in nice weather or just roaming the yard and grounds are typical activities. Several times a month residents go on outings to local restaurants, businesses, or to enjoy the beaches and nature trails.
Lunch is usually at the same time each day and dinner around 5:30. Residents choose the foods for all the menus and have opportunity to make as many choices as possible. As the day winds down games and activities are left to personal choice.
Entrance Criteria and Qualifications: • Developmental Delay • Pass interview process for compatibility • Funding through Developmental Disabilities, Private pay, or Home and Community Services
Hours of Service: 24 hours, seven days per week
Getting Started: Contact your case worker or call 360-374-9340 for more information or to be put on a waiting list.