Sunshine and Rainbows Child Development Center: provides a childcare setting that surpasses most daycares by providing a full service agency for parents and families. Staff are qualified to provide services in Behavior Management, Developmental Therapy, Early Childhood and are trained to provide a preschool like environment all day long. Childcare is something needed in every community and in this small community Concerned Citizens operates the only Center based program in the city. Referrals for specialized childcare situations come to the Center from the Department of Social and Health, Developmental Disabilities, Child Protective Services, Doctors and Hospitals from as far away as Seattle.
Families are trying to juggle the challenges of working , shuffling families needs and after school activities. Sunshine and Rainbows strives to provide a well rounded curriculum that addresses all the needs of the child and family.
The brain is the part of the body that allows us to feel joy or despair, to respond to others in a loving or angry way or simply to react. These capacities don’t just magically appear - they result from the interplay between a child’s heredity and the experiences he or she has during childhood. With the changing needs of families we try to provide the support parents and children need to be successful. Allowing ongoing opportunities for the brain to grow, children to learn and meeting all of the needs of the children and families.
Rooms are set up for the developmental age of students:
Room # 1 Stage 1 Infants 1 month to 1 year Room # 2 Stage 1 Todders 1 year to 2 years Room # 6 Stage 2 3 yrs. to 5 yrs. Room # 7 Romp room Large Muscle play room (Gym) Room # 5 Stage 3 Before & After School Room # 8 Stage 1 1.5 yrs. to 2.5
Each classroom has a Lead Teacher and a Support Teacher, who follow a classroom schedule that addresses all developmental areas. We try to have the same staff with your child most of their day for a consistent, comfortable experience.
Some of the services you can expect are:
Family Resources Coordinators (FRC): can link you with resources and programs, ask for the FRC for your area.
Developmental Screening: Denver, Battelle or Developmental Therapy Assessment $50.00.
Screenings: over the phone, by appointment $15.00/hr.
Counseling: for behavior strategies and positive parenting $15.00/hr.
Parent Resources; books and tapes.
Summer Programs include field trips, and extra play day activities consistent with summertime fun.
Parenting Class: Ten week course is offered every Tuesday 11:00 -1:00, Call 374-9340 to find out when the next class begins.
MEALS are served family style and must qualify nutritionally through the USDA food program. We serve breakfast, lunch, and two snacks twice a day. All meals are free according to food program guidelines.
TRANSPORTATION is provided for qualified students in special programs at no cost. Private Pay transportation is on a space available basis at $1.00 round trip within city limits.
Staff are carefully screened through the Department of Early Learning and must pass and exhaustive Background clearance. First Aid/CPR and HIV/AIDs training, TB Test, 20 hours of STARS training in curriculum, child safety, developmental milestones, positive behavior techniques, and disease control. 10 hours of Continuing Education per year following their initial training.
Supervisors are trained in assessing individual need, crisis intervention, mediation, developmental disabilities, and behavior management.
Entrance Criteria and Qualifications: We take all children indiscriminately.
Getting Started: There is plenty of paperwork to enroll your child so come prepared to spend some time filling out papers and forms. We will need current shot records and the date of the last Drs.Visit. Phone numbers of people who you approve to pick up your child and permission for field trips. Once you have filled out the papers we encourage you to spend a little time with your child in the classroom helping them transition to the busy, sometimes noisy atmosphere.